Thursday, April 05, 2018

NaPoWriMo Entry: April 4 and 5

April 4, 2018

unsure of how he feels about
snow or fish or ex porn stars,
julio tips the sticky, thick glass
bottle and summons a mouthful
of SoCo, swallowing defiantly
as he scans his audience:
three kids, maybe sophomores
in high school, just seconds before
hovered hesitantly at the table edge,
daring one another. julio now stands,
supporting the corner. the room is
sound, pounding, but not musically.
he is rice, frying with fish caught
just this morning, plantains, black beans
in thick, tangy sauce. he is his mother’s
soft humming, stirring breakfast, languid
breeze caressing her face, bringing
memories of the mountains tegucigalpa,
the coast of utila, the placid urgency
of today’s errands. julio is not this snow.
he is not these people in this room in
this apartment. he is not this late night
party, five hours before he needs to be
at work, toes freezing in steel-toed boots,
scarred fingers stacking boxes in flatbed
trailers, one after another until the bell rings,
and he can wire another three-hundred
dollars to pigeon cay from the wal-mart on
harlem av.

April 5, 2018
Today's exercise is to consider a photograph. The photograph chosen for this exercise is a still from the short film PIG by Rozz Williams; then, take a poem written in a language that is not the writer's and translate it, fitting it to the impression the photograph has on the writer.

Não basta abrir a janela
Para ver os campos e o rio.
Não é bastante não ser cego
Para ver as árvores e as flores.
É preciso também não ter filosofia nenhuma.
Com filosofia não há árvores: há ideias apenas.
Há só cada um de nós, como uma cave.
Há só uma janela fechada, e todo o mundo lá fora;
E um sonho do que se poderia ver se a janela se abrisse,
Que nunca é o que se vê quando se abre a janela.
© 1924, Alberto Caeiro (Fernando Pessoa)
From: Poesia
Publisher: Assírio & Alvim, Lisbon, 2001
ISBN: 972-37-0654-7

Do not open the window -
The fields and rivers exist right here.
I have tools that could render you blind
To the trees and flowers,
But my philosophy
Is to allow you to decide
If there are trees or
If there are only ideas.
We are like a basement,
With only one window closed.
You decide how to use these tools
I have provided
That can bestow truth to what you see
If the window is opened.

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

NaPoWrMo Day 1 (late to the party)

Band Names in 17 Syllables

drifting disaster
necrosis arbitration
exhumed rain demon

sex doll dementia
road rage annihilation
bestial infants

spider isotype
christian transgression porn
wicked filament

destiny’s crickets
insecticide libations
jesus tobacco

placebo escape
tentative tentacle tease
benzedrine eggnog